apparel trims

PRO-SNAP by Pro-Stretch

By |2025-02-19T15:40:05+00:00February 19th, 2025|Inspiration, Uncategorized|

PRO-SNAP By Pro-Stretch Introducing Pro-Snap, an innovative, versatile, durable and fully waterproof fastening solution, by Pro-Stretch Trims International Pro-Snap has been extensively researched and carefully engineered using the latest expertise to offer a multi use snap tape for use across many different industries Manufactured from a waterproof and durable elastic material, Pro-Snap produces no deterioration

PRO-GRIP by Pro-Stretch

By |2025-02-25T10:02:02+00:00February 12th, 2025|Inspiration, Uncategorized|

PRO-GRIP By Pro-Stretch   Pro-Stretch are very excited to announce the introduction of a new innovation to our vast library of trim products Pro-Grip has been extensively researched and carefully engineered using the latest expertise to offer a multi use grip tape for use across many different industries Manufactured from Recycled Polyester and Elastane, producing

Knitted Ribs are making a come back!

By |2025-02-04T14:24:03+00:00January 30th, 2025|Inspiration, Uncategorized|

KNITTED RIBS are making a come back!   Pro-Stretch are the trusted supplier to the major global sportswear brands,  we produce many innovative qualities, but some of our favourites are the many varieties of Knitted Ribs that we produce. With lots of options available for sportswear trims and leisurewear trims, we can create many different


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